TTF members who list their products on the WoodScanner marketplace will receive a discount. Throughout 2019, TTF has been continuing both to create and gain coverage for their members, publicising their businesses and their products to their key markets, tied to the ‘Timber you can Trust’ message.  It’s been a bumper year for media coverage and it is a message that WoodScanner strongly endorses.

Coverage of TTF members and their products was expanded to the joinery sector, with news coverage and a regular quarterly leader’s column from TTF’s David Hopkins in Woodworking News and quarterly in-depth articles in Cutting Edge, the Institute of Carpenters’ magazine.  Supporting our merchant members serving the building trade, we achieved a ‘first’ with an 8-page editorial supplement in Master Builder magazine and two features in Professional Builder.  Additionally we were granted regular opportunities to promote key issues such as plywoods and flame retardant treatments as a guest contributor to the Federation of Master Builders’ online Builders’ Blogs. 

TTF worked with its strategic partners the WPA and TDCA in creating pro-active coverage on timber and fire retardant treatments in the wake of the Barking flats fire this summer, taking our cogent messages out as far as Local Authority Building & Maintenance magazine, HouseBuilder (The Home Builders’ Federation magazine), and to Architects’ Journal.

Regular coverage has continued throughout the year in the builder’s merchant media, which covers a large proportion of our members, including this year an expansion of coverage of sustainably-grown and legally-harvested hardwoods.  This ties in with TTF’s work in other arenas, for example in promoting FLEGT licensed timbers.  We continue to produce the Builders Merchants Federation’s Timber Forum News magazine, highlighting TTF members/ offerings and actions to a core market.  For 2020 we are launching our partnership with the National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) which will see regular monthly timber-sales related information circulated to NMBS merchant members along with a quarterly magazine created by TTF.  For 2020 we are also launching a twice-yearly magazine to be inserted in Woodworking News, to help members serving the joinery sector.

David Hopkins, CEO of the TTF states “Working with the media is central to the mission of any trade association.  We are here to promote our members:  carrying their messages to target markets is essential to providing them with a return on their investment in membership. It also reinforces their own efforts to market ‘Timber you can Trust’,”

“The other half of the promotional equation is to take our messages to the heart of government and local authorities, such as our work to promote the use of timber in housing, and its beneficial contribution to climate change, through the All Party Parliamentary Group’s recent report.”

  • Posted on 2019/12/20