Why use WoodScanner’s digital marketplace?

Benefits for Members (buyers)

Save time - Quickly search and find Timber products and services in one place
Greater market visibility - Find new suppliers and view real time product and price availability
Save money - Compare the best deals and price options for your business
Turn enquiries into orders - Find and quote on non-stock products quickly
Register FREE as a Member

Benefits for Partners (sellers)

Join as a Partner - Always in view of our Timber Industry database - 24/7, 365
List products and prices - Choose what you want to display to potential buyers
Manage your listing - Effortlessly update your inventories 24/7
Fulfil orders as they come in – and start building relationships with new customers
Register as a Partner

“WoodScanner’s Marketplace will do all of the hard work for you.”

“When researching prices and product availability you can check the WoodScanner marketplace from any location, on multiple devices, to ensure that you are getting the best prices and that you and your teams can convert all selling opportunities.”

Andy Ferguson
WoodScanner Managing Director

Register with Woodscanner